Friday, 27 April 2018


It’s something we all have. Dreams and nightmares. Some people have more than others. Graham sometimes would mumble something and thrash around in his sleep and I'd ask him in the morning "Were you having a bad dream?" and he couldn't remember.

Occasionally I would have a dream and it would seem too real at the time but by morning I couldn't remember it. Some that did stick in my mind would revolve around bikes. One was where I had biked from Greymouth to Westport with the wind behind me but by the time I had to make the homeward trip the weather had turned and threatening clouds, rain and a headwind were the order of the late afternoon.

Another time in a similar vein the bike ride was from Alexandra south for about 80kms to some town, up hill and down dale. After the novelty of having done that I had to bike back where the hills were bigger than the trip down. So lonely!!

Probably a psychiatrist would analyse it and say you are challenged to do a new thing but still need the safety of home.

But the other night it was a nightmare that was sooooooooo real. There I was at our place in Greymouth, not sure if we were shifting out to go to our next home according to the church rules or just having a clean-up. The living room floor area was covered with metal things, great and small all covered with dirt and oil from cars ON THE CARPET!!! I was taking bits over to wheely bins outside the backpackers’ hostel but the mess on the carpet was growing bigger.

Then Tammy from next door came over and shot Andrew or was it Graham and he was dead. The body then disappeared.

I was shocked and thought, "What shall I do? Do I say oh dear, I'll have to forgive my neighbour as I have to live beside them or do I go to the police?"

A bit later Tammy came over and said “Sorry. Can I offer you this plate of mince, about 2 kg worth?" That wasn't the end of it. Lunchtime was almost upon us and a car load of people arrived. People we knew from a few years ago and another car came with Graham's mum and I wondered what I would get for lunch. For some reason I had nothing in the fridge or freezer for us. Then Graham's mum disappeared and I felt responsible for her. With that I woke up with heart beating and the room was dark and peaceful. What a relief!!

When I was telling a daughter about this nightmare she said" WHAT WAS THAT MINCE MADE OF? Hadn't reasoned that one out!

So that was me "LIVING ABOVE THE LINE" of peace and control.

Margaret Hawkey

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